Call us today for Scottsdale bed bug removal!
Scottsdale Bed Bug Treatments
We have yet to help a person treat bed bugs that actually wanted them in their bed. Nobody is happy dealing with them nor want to spend money to treat them, but there are different problems with different treatments. As you may have heard, Scottsdale bed bugs are rising in the area. If you suspect that bed bugs are invading your home then you should give us a call immediately.
Unlike spiders, you can’t simply ignore bed bugs. Once you’ve been infested by bed bugs, they won’t go away until a Scottsdale bed bug exterminator removes them.
Bed bugs feed on you, mostly while you’re sleeping. Bed bugs will pierce your skin with their very sharp teeth then cut through your flesh to find blood vessels. Bed bugs usually feed on blood for five to ten minutes and then return to their hiding spot. This is all while you are asleep!
Scottsdale Bed Bug Removal
It’s unlikely that you’ll find the actual bed bugs themselves. Bed bugs are very good at keeping hidden from people. Usually, bed bugs hide in small, dark crevices near or on your bed. If you find fecal spots on your bedding then you likely have a bed bug infestation. Another sign of bed bugs is if you wake up covered in small bites or itch a lot.
If you think you have a bed bug problem, then you shouldn’t sleep in your home if at all possible, until we’ve come to exterminate them. Our Scottsdale bed bug experts are willing to answer any questions you may have and discuss different treatment options. Just give us a call today to get your quote and to have your questions answered!